Bulk smsBusinessSMS Marketing

What are the advantages of Bulk SMS over Traditional Marketing?

What are the Advantages of Bulk SMS over Traditional Marketing
What are the Advantages of Bulk SMS over Traditional Marketing

In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly searching for new and innovative ways to reach their target audience and promote their products and services. One method that has been gaining popularity in recent years is bulk SMS, which offers a number of advantages over traditional marketing methods.In this blog, we discuss the advantages of bulk SMS over traditional marketing and how to Sign Up on Egosms a bulk SMS service by Pahappa


Advantages of Bulk SMS over Traditional Marketing

  1. Cost-effectiveness

Bulk SMS is generally less expensive than traditional marketing methods such as television or print advertising. This is because SMS messages are sent directly to the consumer’s mobile phone, eliminating the need for expensive production costs.

  1. Targeting specific demographics

With bulk SMS, businesses can target specific demographics based on factors such as age, location, and interests. This allows for a more targeted and effective marketing strategy.

  1. Higher open and response rates

SMS messages have a higher open rate compared to emails or direct mail, making it more likely that your message will be seen and acted upon.

  1. Immediacy

SMS messages can be sent and received in real time, allowing businesses to generate immediate results from their marketing campaigns.

  1. Measurement and tracking

With bulk SMS, businesses can track and measure the success of their campaigns by monitoring metrics such as open rates and response rates.

  1. Convenience and ease of use

Sending bulk SMS is simple and convenient for both businesses and consumers, making it an accessible and user-friendly marketing method.

  1. Integration with other channels

Bulk SMS can be integrated with other digital marketing channels, such as email and social media, to create a comprehensive and effective marketing strategy.


How to sign up on Egosms?

Egosms is a Bulk SMS service provider in Uganda and a product of Pahappa. 

Step ONE 

Log into your browser whether on your phone or computer. Any browser like Google Chrome, Opera mini, or Safari will do.

Search for https://egosms.co/

egosms home page
egosms home page

Once the platform has loaded you will be able to view the home page with a link asking to sign up for a free trial.

Step TWO

You will then be taken to an online form where you fill in your credentials; First Name, Last name, password, repeat password, and Username that you wish to use (please make sure it is a unique username because these are part of the unique identifiers we use), email address and phone number (begin your phone number with 256).

Then Sign up

Egosms Sign up Page
Egosms Sign up Page


Egosms filled Sign up form
Egosms filled Sign up form


After this, you will be asked to log in with your new Egosms credentials 

Egosms Log In Page
Egosms Log In Page


Overall, bulk SMS is a powerful marketing tool that offers many advantages over traditional marketing methods. Bulk SMS offers a cost-effective, targeted, and measurable marketing strategy that can generate immediate results. Sign up with Egosms for the best bulk SMS services today!


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